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Illueca, "the statement Cieza as free municipality of evictions generates a collective responsibility" (02/12/2014)

The satisfaction after approval at the regular plenary session of December the motion that declares Cieza "free town of evictions" is, in the words of the proposer Councilman Jose Eduardo Illueca, "legitimate and undisguised, because it is a milestone for two reasons: first, by the great symbolic value of the main political institution municipal, the full City Council, depositary of the representation given by its citizens, has openly declared enemy of evictions, and has done so unanimously, in Second, because the motion passed is not reduced to a declaration of intentions, but contains a real political program written in the key of social justice. "

In the words of ecosocialista councilman, "the reading and approval of the initiative was a time of great excitement for everyone, for me, that was currently defending, and to the large audience, which is why I said in my statement that this motion not is IU-Greens, although we have worked hard on it, nor anyone: it is the product of a popular indignation against injustice of evictions of many poor families, many families ruined in our country for the enrichment few; IU has only been the vehicle of this feeling, but I'm proud of it. "

Illueca took the opportunity to recognize "the invaluable work carried out since the municipal social services, despite scarce material resources with which it is provided in the budget to this area, and especially Tona, leading to out their work with enthusiasm, dedication and within economic constraints, effectively ".

And also wanted to recognize "the merit of all persons and organizations who have dedicated their time and personal effort, with tireless generosity to combat this social scourge; the movement against mortgage foreclosures has entered its own right, in the distinguished history of social movements in Spain and Europe ".

Merit of this social movement is to Illueca, that motions against mortgage foreclosures are being adopted in a growing number of Spanish municipalities.

But in the case of Cieza, "most importantly, from my point of view, the collective commitment it entails, to the extent that the declaration of Cieza as free municipality of evictions resulting in fifteen concrete proposals for action assumed by all political groups with current representation in Parliament. "

Among other things, this council stands out for its importance, "the adoption of legislative measures against energy poverty, development of a municipal housing plan, the creation of a public park and a private in social rental scheme, the role of City Council as the ultimate guarantor of the provisional relocation of people to stay, where appropriate, on the street, or the interpellation by the City banks to follow the criteria of European Court of Justice on mortgage debt and to put their empty housing stock available to rent municipal social programs ".

A collective commitment "born an equally collective responsibility".

Therefore, Illueca ends considering that "the commitments that reflect the approved text up a program sufficiently clear performance in terms, an exciting program that will be required of any municipal government, certainly the current, which is now in its final stages but, above all, which can happen from May 2015, regardless of what your political color ".

Source: IU-verdes Cieza

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