The Department of Sociology of the University of Murcia, in collaboration with the Permanent Headquarters of University Extension of Cieza, the Social Center for the Elderly of Cieza and the Association Atalaya-Ateneo Club of the Villa de Cieza, have organized a conference on "EL WORK AND MIGRATIONS: STORIES OF YESTERDAY AND OF TODAY ", which will take place next Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 June
The sessions will take place in the Esparto Museum of the Atalaya Club and will begin at 7 o'clock in the afternoon.
Each day is integrated by two conferences on emigration (on Tuesday on the Spanish emigration of yesterday, and Wednesday on current emigration), which is complemented by a documentary on Tuesday, and the presentation of a book on Wednesday.
On Tuesday 26, at 7 pm, after the opening of the exhibition "Estampas de emigración ciezana", the conference entitled 'Spanish emigration to Europe during the Franco period' will be given by Marta Latorre Catalán.
The documentary "Tales of Emigration in Cieza" that will be screened at the end of the conference, is led by ciezanos and ciezanas who lived in the first person emigration, who have been interviewed for this occasion by professors of the Department of Sociology of the University of Murcia, and that will attend the colloquium.
The program continues on Wednesday the 27th with the presentation of the book "Memories of an emigrant" by its authors: the protagonist of the story Jose Antón Muñoz, an emigrant from Murcia to the French vintage in the 60s, the writer Juan Abenza Valverde, his friend who helped him write his memoirs and Antonio Ramírez Melgarejo.
The conference under the title 'The migrations of yesterday and today' that will impart the sociologist Andrés Pedreño Cánovas, will close the conference on work and migration.
Source: Agencias