This project is endowed with an exclusively municipal budget item with which 49 people have already been hired since it was launched until this last edition.
The City of Cieza, through the Department of Employment and Economic Development, has launched for the third consecutive year the Social Employment Program, which takes into account the socio-economic status of people and aims at hiring of unemployed people with little or no income from the family unit, to which an individualized labor insertion itinerary will be carried out in order to improve their possibilities of access to the world of work.
The Program can include unemployed people, job seekers, registered in the office of the Employment and Training Service (SEF) of Cieza and registered in the municipality.
The selection of participants has taken into account the family and personal situation (dependent children, disability, victims of gender violence, situation of risk of social exclusion), employment status (seniority in unemployment registered as job seeker in the SEF) and the economic situation (annual income available per member of the family unit).
The work will consist of performing unskilled operational maintenance of roads, public spaces and municipal centers.
Specifically, it will be carried out the cleaning of container points, removal of damaged mupis, review of the watchtower irrigation system, painting in municipal facilities, painting of some pedestrian crossings and cleaning of scuppers in Ascoy and Polígono Industrial Los Meadows
It is the third time that a program with these characteristics has been carried out in Cieza, with an exclusively municipal budget item.
In 2017, 17 workers were hired, in 2018 14 people participated and in this year 2019, 18 workers will be part of it with a duration of one month of contract.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza