One more year since the Sports Service continues to bet heavily on the School-Age Sport program, aimed at children and adolescents between 9 and 18 years, since this Service is considered to be a very important means for begin in the practice of the different sports that are offered.
Last week the Councilor for Sports, Carlos Semitiel, went to the 14 Centers of Cieza to deliver the sports equipment corresponding to their participation in the 2018/2019 School Age Sports program accompanied by the Councilor for Education María Bouquets
Taking advantage of this visit, the Councilor for Sports informed the directors and those responsible for the program of each Educational Center of the main developments planned by the Sports Service for this course.
The most outstanding news are the following:
- Include in the program of the local phase two new disciplines to the existing ones of previous courses, such as playing athletics and mate.
- Start a program of cooperative challenges for all the Centers in our town.
- Conduct a series of talks aimed at the Educational Centers to continue promoting the practice of sports in them.
These talks will be given by different athletes and professionals in the health field of our town.
- Through the orientation federation, an agreement has been reached to enhance the practice of this sport in the Educational Centers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza