After the meeting with the Minister of Health Manuel Villegas and Managing Director of the SMS Asensio López, the Platform meets on 01/28/2020 and the conclusion is reached.
Of what:
The meeting held of work was fruitful and of advance of several Services and works, since they informed that everything is budgeted, and we see that, for now, the acquired commitment is being carried out, as an extension of Critics and Operating Rooms.
On the part of this Platform, explain that on 01/13/2020, a story was published in the Newspaper of La Verdad de Murcia and Mirador de Cieza, which was on a personal level of a member of this Platform and the journalist.
But from this Platform we want to reiterate our concern with the Deficit Services in our Health Area IX, when they are claims of some of them, of many years.
Radiology, the SMS Managing Director told us a long time ago that assistance will be improved from 8 in the morning until 22 at night.
But he was told that it was not
That the Users do not choose the time to get sick and to leave at ten o'clock at night there is no medical assistance in Localized Guard of this specialty, (We ask that as Area IX of Health, we want the same treatment as the other Regional Hospitals of the Region, which does have all guards located and assists 24 hours a day, 365 days a year).
As of today, neither guards located, nor extension of the afternoon schedule.
Gynecology is also needed, the second place of a specialist in the Area, because it is demonstrated with objective data, that the waiting lists are not going well, also to do interventions of Major Surgery in the Hospital and the women of the Area do not have that to move to Murcia, to the Arrixaca Hospital, also for the Ultrasound of the follow-up to the birth of the women of Abaran, Blanca and Cieza, that two years ago that are no longer done in our Hospital, and are being referred to the Pregnant to said Hospital, (When we believe that they can be done here and by Humanization displacements would be saved).
Cardiologist, We are currently the worst area of ​​health in ratio by inhabitants of this specialty, since currently we only have two Cardiologists.
We also added the problem that we were referred to by more than 200 patients in our Area who were already treated in Area VI at the Morales Meseguer Hospital regarding “pacemaker monitoring”.
The Cardiologists request that the service be reinforced with another one in the workforce, to provide an Optimal Service (which is three per Ratio).
The Internal Medicine Service, Every patient admitted for an acute pathology is susceptible to presenting a situation of hemodynamic instability, in which case the patient needs support measures such as:
Continuous electrocardiographic monitoring and quick access to a defibrillator.
Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring.
Pulse oximetry or oxygen therapy with oxygen in ventimask, non-invasive mechanical ventilation or orotracheal intubation and invasive ventilation, prior to sedation of the patient.
Central venous access.
Bladder catheterization and urine output control.
Use of vasoactive drugs (dopamine, dobutamine and norepinephrine).
All these measures must be carried out in a hemodynamic room with adequate material resources, which currently does not exist.
The patient is currently being treated in a double room, shared in most cases with another patient and without having a physical place to work properly.
The Internal Medicine Service does not have the necessary equipment to assist patients in these conditions, so they cannot guarantee patient safety.
This situation has already been communicated by said Service and Platform, to the Area IX Directorate, almost a year ago and nothing has been resolved yet.
Hemodialysis, both the SMS and the Hospital Directorate have been requested to conduct a survey, so that those patients of this condition who voluntarily want to return to the new Hospital Dialysis Unit.
Because that is how they were promised by the Minister Villegas and the Manager of the Murciano Salud Asensio Service publicly in the media and personally to the Users, as long as patient shifts are completed, as of today, only one shift is being dialyzed, Monday Wednesday and Friday.
There are patients who are distributed by other Units.
Like Arrixaca, Molina and Abaran, and they want to come to Cieza, as promised.
We are also waiting, day and time for an appointment with the President of the Region, His Excellency Mr. Fernando López Miras, who was called from the Secretary of the Presidency, to meet us almost a year ago and we still do not know anything, (Hopefully and we wish receive us as soon as possible)
Source: Plataforma Pro-Hospital de Cieza