After the last events that have been happening at the Vega Lorenzo Guirao Hospital, regarding the non-inclusion on the waiting list of 805 rehabilitation patients, and all the manifestations that have happened, this Platform, after a meeting held by its members, wants clear out:
1.- It is inadmissible and intolerable that one wants to criminalize one of its members, Juan Ortiz, who, by chance, when asking about a relative's request, has discovered and denounced the situation.
It is an objective fact that these patients are not included in the waiting list, since no one has denied it so far and they have been losing all the rights to which the law protects them.
Our partner on the platform has not invented anything, he has only denounced a situation that we consider inadmissible, especially after the waiting list data that has been provided.
If it had not been denounced, the patients would still not be able to be treated with the consequent damage to their rights and, most importantly, to their health.
2.- This Platform immediately requires that all these patients be treated, and that the Murcia Health Service ensures that it is not happening with any other specialty, nor will anything similar happen again.
3.- We understand that an investigation should be opened to clarify what happened, because we do not talk about a request from a patient who has been lost, we talk about 805 patients who have been left homeless and who every time they have asked have obtained an answer “is on the waiting list, we'll call you. ”
4.- This Platform will continue to defend, as in the 25 years that it has of history, improvements and services for our hospital, since we consider that it is a right that the neighbors of our Region and nobody have, will make us leave our commitment to have a regional hospital with the conditions we deserve.
Source: Plataforma Pro-Hospital de Cieza