The spokesman of the municipal government, Francisco Saorín, made the assessment of the ordinary plenary session on Wednesday, highlighting that "among all the opposition, only three motions have been submitted to the full March" despite having a full-time administrative each of the three groups and an additional "liberated" councilor the PP.
In his opinion, the "shortage" of opposition initiatives is because the Government maintains a "cruising speed that they are not able to follow the rights".
Saorín has begun assessing the points discussed at the request of the Municipal Executive, reporting the approval of the Annual Financial Control Plan for 2020, the start of a file of declaration of nullity of article 31 of the agreement on working conditions of public employees of the City Council de Cieza, of a proposal by the Councilor for Women and Equality in relation to International Women's Day and a joint motion of the Socialist and Left United-Green municipal groups urging the regional government to pay the amounts owed to the City Council for various concepts, amounting to 1,200,000 euros.
Regarding the initiatives of the Government, Saorín has highlighted the "contradictions of the opposition groups, especially Citizens and PP regarding the declaration of nullity of article 31 of the agreement on working conditions of public employees, asking for a thing and its contrary and without attending to that it was only to approve the beginning of the administrative file, not its resolution. "
He also highlighted the "Vox denial position in the debate on the joint amendment of the other groups related to gender violence."
On the other hand, the Government spokesman has highlighted the "opposition of the right-wing groups to the City Council claiming to the Autonomous Community the assumption of improper powers, the 347,000 euros that it has in executive phase for non-payment of the IBI, and different causes In addition to the 850,000 euros that he pledged to pay for the works of the Paseo Ribereño, trying to mix this initiative with an amendment of addition in blaming the Government of Spain for the indebtedness situation of the Autonomous Community, which has no other cause than the mismanagement of the successive governments of the right. "
As for the proposals of the opposition, Saorín has criticized that "Vox has not presented any proposal despite having a municipal group and an administrative, while dedicated to 'turn on the networks' with falsehoods about municipal management. Meanwhile, Citizens has limited to submit a motion for the regulation of the use of pyrotechnics, an initiative that, after requesting its withdrawal on the grounds that the unauthorized prohibition of these elements is already contemplated in the Environment Ordinance, was rejected by the Government. "
He has also referred to the two motions of the popular group, "the only group that on this occasion has completed its quota of initiatives, noting that although the first one, concerning the development of a municipal ordinance for the use of mobility vehicles staff, was acceptable, was amended by the Government with the aim of improving the operative part of it ".
As for the second motion of the PP, regarding the improvement of the facilities and operation of the study rooms, it was rejected, after requesting its withdrawal by the Councilor for Youth, since "what was requested in its operative part are actions that the government is already doing ".
The spokesman for the local Executive has finished his appearance stressing that the ordinary plenary session in March "has followed the usual tone of an opposition with little worked initiatives, in some cases, and the rebuilding of municipal work in others. A scenario that shows that something good the government is doing when the opposition comes to repeat motions, "Saorín concluded.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza