The purple-green people criticize the attitude of Presidents López Miras, Díaz-Ayuso and Torra and demand "unity and vision of the State", as well as a postponement of the partisan struggle.
The Covid-19 is a global pandemic that is currently priming, especially in a virulent way, in Europe and, notably, in Spain and Italy.
The situation is of unprecedented seriousness, especially since it puts weakened health systems in check after many years of cuts and privatizations, a consequence of the neoliberal hurricane that has devastated the European welfare states for years and especially in Spain in the last decade.
According to Piedad Abellán, secretary general of Podemos-Cieza, "the national catastrophe that we suffer highlights the importance of the State, the need to have robust public services that are the only hope of citizens in emergency situations such as the one we are experiencing."
For this reason, "those who have preached for many years the thinning of the State as an essential objective, and those who have cut and privatized health, educational and other services, should apologize to the public because they are, in part, responsible for the situation that we live. "
In a crisis scenario like the present one, "the State and its instruments are the only security that remains for the population, so we must all stand behind them and decisively support all measures; there will be time, when all this has happened, to make other evaluations and draw the appropriate conclusions. "
At Podemos, of course, "we work in this line and we only care, now, to be one more link in the human chain that can hold the coronavirus."
Many people, unfortunately, are dying, and many more will die in the coming days, particularly affecting the elderly.
Hence the importance of confinement measures as the best way to flatten the pandemic contagion curve.
These are essential measures, which may have to be tightened, and "the only patriotic attitude, today, is the one that places us all behind the Government of the nation, parking our party struggles as much as possible, we are risking many lives in this endeavor".
The confinement of the population and the fall in economic activity "have very serious side effects."
The population cannot be fooled and we must assume that hard times are coming, but the measures already adopted by the government, and others that have been announced, "guarantee that no one is left behind: measures in terms of unemployment coverage, aid to the self-employed, of minimum income, or moratorium or non-payment of rents, among others, this crisis will not be paid only by the usual ones, as happened in 2008. In this sense, the presence of United We Can in the Government " it guarantees that the interests of the popular classes, workers and the most vulnerable sectors will always come to the fore. "
In Piedad Abellán's opinion, "in this context, the political positions of some leaders of the right, who are trying to obtain political returns from misfortune, are especially serious; they are unacceptable positions, which do not help and put sticks on the wheels to efforts to find solutions. "
Above all, "the attitudes of three autonomous presidents, who are the representatives of the State in their territory and who should act as such, are deplorable," referring specifically to the controversial statements by Quim Torra, Isabel Díaz-Ayuso and the Murcian López Miras .
From Podemos we ask, "in the face of pettiness, unity, in the face of short-sightedness, a vision of the State, because the health and life of thousands of people and our future as a society are at stake."
All behind the State, all behind the Government, let's postpone the partisan struggle for a few weeks because "united and united we can overcome this virus and be reborn as a fairer, more egalitarian and more democratic society."
Our gratitude to all public services and people, who at the individual level, collaborate in controlling and overcoming this pandemic.
Source: Podemos Cieza / Foto: archivo