| Aguas de Cieza will apply discounts for families and special groups due to the economic situation dragged by the COVID-19, such as the receipt bonus or the postponement among others | The Cieza City Council is working every day in the study and application of social media to alleviate the economic consequences caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus.
There are already many announced by the consistory aimed at vulnerable families, and the rest of the people of Cezanos that these days have been published in local media and official social networks.
Now it is the turn of those related to water service worked in coordination with the company Aguas de Cieza. And it is that for a few years both entities have worked on the implementation of social measures aimed at groups in vulnerable situations.
As the municipal source assures, “it is not something new for us, although we are aware that in the current situation these measures take on special relevance so that no one, self-employed, entrepreneur, owner of a small or medium-sized company, merchant, restaurateur or people in situation Unemployment stop, stay behind ”. For this reason, the government team reminds citizens that they have the following measures at their disposal: Until the start of the confinement, the measures that were already being applied: We finance or defer invoices, without interest, to all groups that in this exceptional situation present difficulties in the payment of their invoices, up to one year.
(payment commitment). Fixed fee plan (12 Drops Plan), which can be requested by any client and which allows paying the same amount every month based on the consumption of the previous year, regularizing the situation at the end of the year.
In the event that the amount is higher or lower than that consumed, the amount is refunded or financed to be paid in the following months, respectively, the subscriber being able at any time to provide the actual reading through the authorized channels. Possibility of choosing the date of the month that you prefer for direct debit. All the discounts for vulnerable groups through the discounted rates are still in force, and the Social Fund managed directly by the Social Services of the Hon.
Cieza Town Council. As a result of this situation, since March 14, additional measures have been activated: Since the start of the alarm period and until its end, all power cuts have been suspended.
For years, we have followed a policy of not cutting off the water supply to people in situations of economic vulnerability.
In this way we guarantee that a basic good such as water reaches all homes.
At a time when hygiene has also become an indispensable action to prevent the spread of COVID 19. The invoice payment period has been doubled, extending the voluntary payment period to 60 days instead of 30 days as established by the regulation, so the client has two months to make the payment from the moment in which they usually the water bill arrives. Given that the current situation does not allow, among other procedures, the actual reading of our meters, it will be billed by means of the reading estimate, taking as a base of said estimate the consumption of the same period of the previous year.
The user will be able to check the billing periods that are being charged, on the Website: www.aguasdecieza.es; On the Free Customer Service Telephone: 900110066 or on the email: aguasdecieza@aguasdecieza.es (due to the suspension for obvious reasons of the ordinary mail service). To the companies and small businesses that were affected by the Royal Decree and bound to suspend their activity on March 14, from that day the reading that will be estimated will be 0 m3.
The large industries, which are considered those that consume more than 5000 m3 / year, will not be estimated, they will take an actual reading. A Social Fund has been set up to deal with the concepts of water and sewerage in those receipts of domestic subscribers that the Social Services of the City of Cieza determine, and the Businesses and Industries that due to their type of activity may have been affected by COVID -19.
Specific forms will be made available to all of them to request the bonus for the 2nd and 3rd billing period corresponding to the year 2020. The city council unveiled for the first time the new measures framed in the campaign in which it is already working to reactivate the local economy and "spread the joy to achieve normality as soon as possible, although we are aware of the great work and effort required to part of the administrations and a change of mentality of all the people ”.
** More information on the Aguas de Cieza website www.aguasdecieza.es; on the Free Customer Service Telephone 900110066 or on the email Aguasdecieza@aguasdecieza.es
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza