| The Departments of Employment, Economic Development and Youth report on the renewal of the Youth Employment Programs that are being developed in Cieza | The programs called the 2014-2020 ESF Operational Program for the Region of Murcia and the 2014-2020 Youth Employment Operational Program have a technician for each operational program, and their main objective is to promote sustainability and the quality of employment, favor the labor mobility, access to work by jobseekers and the inactive, including the long-term unemployed.Both councils are strengthened to achieve these objectives and reinforce orientation, information and intermediation actions with individualized attention to young people who are studying or have completed their studies, and for young people without studies between the ages of 16 and 29, it is one more effort to achieve the objective of combating youth unemployment in our municipality.From the Local Employment Center located at the INFOEM, actions such as individualized support in job search and job placement will be developed, as well as actions that promote autonomy and access to training and employment.Those interested can expand information at the Local Youth Employment Center, INFOEM building, located on the Camino de Murcia s / n.
The contact telephone number is 968767441.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza