The POEFE 'Cieza F + I Training + Integration project has a total budget of € 155,441.86, of which 80% is financed by the European Social Fund and the remaining 20% ??by the Cieza City Council, to carry out actions Employment, Training and Education from its resolution until December 2021.The Cieza City Council, through the Department of Employment and Economic Development, participated in the 2018 call for aid from the European Social Fund, provided for in the Operational Program for Employment, Training and Education, aimed at local entities for the insertion of people most vulnerable (AP-POEFE).
On July 1, the subsidy proposal was communicated by the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, to which the City Council of Cieza has responded, communicating its agreement with said aid.Among the objectives of the project are: to develop training itineraries suited to the training needs of the long-term unemployed, especially those over 45, that allow obtaining professional certificates and increase the chances of finding employment for these people, reduce the gap of gender existing both among unemployed people and people at risk of social exclusion, by carrying out itineraries with a greater number of places for women, holding workshops to exchange experiences and good practices, as well as specific actions for equal opportunities between men and women to raise awareness of local companies and reverse the gender gap, develop the project together with the entities involved,so that the bases for future collaborations in inclusive employment are established.These and other actions will be launched in the coming months thanks to these grants and also with the collaboration of entities from the third sector, including associations that work with people with disabilities (FAMDIF, Nueva Fundación Los Albares, Tocaos del wing), with people who have mental illness (AFEMCE), Cáritas and the Care Center for women victims of gender violence in Cieza, who showed their interest in the project, and some of them were willing to get involved during the administration later.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza