| Once the license moratorium is concluded, "the municipality must face this issue with urgency, determination and strength" | We have seen it recently in Lorca, Yecla and Jumilla.
The projects of large industrial livestock farms, especially pigs, happen in our region, as well as in other nearby ones.
The municipality of Cieza could also be in the crosshairs of the powerful companies that are behind this type of business, one of the most lucrative at this time.
In the opinion of Podemos-Cieza, "the threat of macro-farms is real and tangible, it is on the near horizon and both the Cieza City Council and the Cieza society itself must be fully involved in the protection, against it, of environmental values and agricultural of the municipality ".
And they clarify that "the prohibition of livestock or anything similar is not proposed; only a type of massive and intensive exploitation is questioned,very profitable for companies, but which generates serious problems of pollution and environmental and landscape degradation, without creating hardly any jobs in return.
"It would be contradictory to promote a series of tourist events, such as the" flowering "and at the same time make room for the intensive exploitation of livestock, especially pigs, which would remove the tourist potential with the bad smells and the fly that they generate.that would remove the tourist potential with the bad smells and the fly that they generate.that would remove the tourist potential with the bad smells and the fly that they generate.The Cieza City Council agreed in its day "a one-year moratorium on the granting of licenses, which could be extended in another if, during its course, a modification of the urban planning regulations in this area was initially approved".
More than two years after that, "all the moratoriums have ended and the modification of the General Plan has not passed its initial approval, so if a project were put on the table at this time it would be under the protection of the previous rule, still in force, which does not include any limitation on undeveloped land ".Even the proposed modification in process, "even though it is positive, it seems insufficient to us, since it opens a very important window to the installation on unsuitable undeveloped land and, on the other hand, does not establish any maximum limit of head of cattle".For this reason, from Podemos-Cieza "we invite the City Council, with its Mayor at the helm, to face this issue with the utmost urgency, decision and strength".
In the first place, "all steps must be taken to definitively approve the modification of the Plan that is in process, as soon as possible, but without prejudice to studying other possible more restrictive modifications, if they were convenient." But, above all, "we would like to see this City Council as mobilized on this issue as it was at the time against fracking in the Segura basin, proposing similar actions".
Thus, for example, advertising and information campaigns, coordination with other municipalities, the declaration of the Plenary of "Cieza, free municipality of ...", the municipal legislative initiative, or other similar ones, "they were put into play against fracking with remarkable success and all of them are possible here too.
"In addition, from Podemos-Cieza they also suggest to the City Council "that the possibility of a municipal ordinance regulating the installation of these businesses be studied, which would be feasible in the exercise of municipal powers in the environment and whose processing is faster than the modification of urban regulations ".Finally, from Podemos they highlight "the need for a local protest platform, in the style of those that emerged in Yecla or, more recently, in Jumilla, with the participation of all sectors that share objectives, albeit for different interests, such as environmental groups.
, farmers, companies that make a living from tourism or landowners; a necessarily nonpartisan platform, which should arise from society itself, although it could be a great starting point for the debate on this issue in the Sectorial Council for the Environment of the City Hall, where many of these interests are represented.
"Our people aspire to an economic activity that is in line with health and our environment and that creates jobs.No to large pig farms.
Let's protect our land!
Source: Podemos Cieza