The Councilor for Health and Public Health of the City of Cieza highlights in a statement that contracts may be extended up to 12 months for successive periods of 3 months and the services provided will count for professional purposes of the title of specialist.On Tuesday of last week, the Council of Ministers approved a package of measures to enable the autonomous communities to hire more health personnel in order to make up for the deficiencies arising from the health crisis.The Councilor for Health and Public Health of the City Council of Cieza, Francisco Saorín, explained that the new royal decree law enables the autonomous communities and the National Institute of Health Management (INGESA) to contract exceptionally medical and non-medical personnel to deal with to the health crisis caused by COVID-19.Thus, health professionals who have a degree, bachelor's degree or diploma may be hired, even if they do not have a specialist title.
That is, those who took the selective specialized training tests for the 2019/2020 call, exceeding the minimum score, but who were not awarded a place.In addition, the CCAA will be able to hire non-EU doctors as the Government of the Community of Madrid demanded a few days ago.Saorín explains that the contracts may be extended up to 12 months for successive periods of 3 months and the services provided will count for professional purposes as a specialist.The regulations establish the exceptional and transitory provision of services of statutory, labor and civil medical and nursing personnel to healthcare units that need it, although a different specialty is added.Hospital personnel may also be referred to primary care centers to reinforce it; or the other way around, including field hospitals if that need is urgent.Regarding autonomous or labor official personnel, they may be assigned to any assistance device of the National Health System.The number of facultative health professionals that could be hired by the autonomous communities thanks to this new regulation amounts to 10,000.
Specifically, in the field of Medicine, 4,557 professionals who took the selective FSE tests of the 2019/2020 call do not have a place.
Other degrees that were eligible for optional profiles were Psychology with 2,802 professionals, Pharmacy with 917 professionals, Biology with 557, Chemistry with 161 and Physics with 93.On the other hand, the number of non-community professionals that can be hired with this new measure amounts to 234, 153 are pending to carry out professional practices, 81 are pending completion of complementary training and 282 are pending passing a theoretical-practical test .Saorín has concluded the press release highlighting the agility in decision-making that the Government of Spain is making to combat the coronavirus pandemic from the field of health care.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza