The Youth and Employment Councils report on the Labor Guidance Services that are developed in the municipality and that are financed by the European Social Fund.Both the Youth Guarantee Program and the ESF Operational Program 2014-2020 of the Region of Murcia aim to promote the sustainability and quality of employment, favor labor mobility, access to work by job seekers and women.
inactive people, including the long-term unemployed.Both programs are aimed exclusively at local youths between the ages of 16 and 29.
To be able to participate in both programs, it is necessary to register in the offices of the Department of Employment and Economic Development, located in the Local Youth Employment Center.
From the Local Employment Center located in the INFOEM, actions such as individualized accompaniment in the search for employment and job placement will be developed.In order for young people to access these actions, registration in these programs is necessary, which entails the possibility of participating in Mixed Employment and Training Programs-GJ, Training Courses aimed at the unemployed, and the different sectors of economic activity in our country.
municipality as reflected in the Local Development Dynamization Plan (PdDL), "betting on meaningful training; that is, oriented towards what is demanded by local companies".
Finally, guidance, information and job placement actions will be carried out with individualized attention."The councils, thus, are strengthened in an effort to combat youth unemployment in our municipality, while reinforcing the youth guidance service," indicate municipal sources.Those interested can get more information at the Local Employment Center for Young People, INFOEM building, located on the Camino de Murcia s / n.
The contact telephone number is 968767441.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza