| The last ordinary plenary session of the year in Cieza was held in person at the Capitol Theater in view of the decrease in infections and keeping the security measures | Councilor Antonio Ignacio Martínez-Real carried out an assessment of this December session in which it was announced that the City Council will initiate a file to reimburse the amounts received by the councilor-coordinator of the PP.
The plenary session dealt with the issue of the perceptions for the dedication of the aforementioned mayor, and in view of the legal report that declared its incompatibility on October 14, as well as the Intervention report of November 30 that shows that it is appropriate the return of the amounts, the next step is the opening of the refund file.
Antonio Ignacio Martínez-Real indicated that this matter is purely technical and it is the officials who are indicating the steps to follow."At that point, the arguments of the PP were only seconded by the CS, who in each plenary session is less understood about its following towards the PP -in Martínez-Real's opinion-, and rejected by the rest of the councilors present."Likewise, another strictly technical point was debated in relation to the perceptions for police retirements in which the nullity of an article of the agreement was declared, also taking into account what was expressed in a report issued by the Legal Council of the Region of Murcia.The municipal government spokesman explains that, "with regard to the opposition's motions, as usual, these were issues in which the local administration has few powers and, in some cases, none." The government team supported the motion presented by CS in which it was asked to urge the regional government to resume the presence in the classrooms, "being the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia one of the few territories where students attend the school for 4 days instead of 5 days.
"On the part of VOX, a motion was carried out in full requesting that the City Council provide masks to citizens and urge the Government of Spain to reduce their VAT, a motion that was late as the central Executive had already reduced both VAT and price of the masks and in addition 15 million masks have been distributed.
"" But the most curious thing - points out Martínez-Real - is that precisely this issue was dealt with weeks before in the reconstruction table, reaching the commitment by the Municipal government to provide masks through Social Services to vulnerable people, once again the opposition, in this case VOX, demonstrated how little it cares about the reconstruction table and the consensus that can be reached at that table.
"Finally, in the last point, "the PP wanted the Plenary to reject the so-called 'Celaá Law', alleging the already known lies about the closure of special centers, disappearance of Castilian or Religion.
The Government approved a substitution motion in the one that explained that Religion will continue to exist, although its grade will not count for the average; in the same way, Spanish will continue to exist throughout the national territory and, as regards special education, there is a firm and greater commitment to meet these needs with public resources, thus, within ten years, citizens will also be able to go to publicly managed centers where special education is developed ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza