The Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy delivers the 2020 awards to the UMU Volunteer Program, the Cieza Civil Protection Volunteers Association and Mar a Requena.
The mayor of Cieza, Pascual Lucas, and the councilor for Social Policy, Melba Miñano, were present at the event. The Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy delivered this Thursday the Volunteer Awards of the Region of Murcia 2020 that recognize the solidary and altruistic work of entities and people who work to improve life of the others, and that this year they have fallen into the Volunteer Program of the UMU, the Association of Civil Protection Volunteers of Cieza and Mar a Requena, posthumous title. The vice president and counselor Isabel Franco chaired the event, where she pointed out the awarded volunteers as "an example of effort, improvement and generosity, they are essential tools to face the difficulties that arise in the day, and more saon in times of covid where the needs of the most vulnerable have increased ". Franco also wanted to highlight "the regional government's commitment to volunteering, reflected in the joint work carried out by the General Directorate of the Third Sector and the entities and associations that comprise it." This same week the proposal for the resolution of the applications submitted to the call for subsidies charged to personal income tax was published, in which the evaluation of the 454 projects requested by 132 entities appears, "a clear reference that the action Voluntary matters and is essential to achieve a fairer and more caring society, "he explained. The 2020 Persona Volunteer award, awarded posthumously to Mar a Requena Meana, and collected by her brother, Luis Requena, values ??the life trajectory of this woman, her work of participation and promotion of various solidarity initiatives volunteering, as well as his commitment to society and people and his human conception of voluntary action.
A model of what it is to be a volunteer, understanding solidarity action as a way of life. Likewise, the award to the collective distinguished this year the Cieza City Council Volunteer Group, for its contribution and actions aimed at addressing the difficulties and needs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality of Cieza.
From supporting the population of elderly people who live alone and do not have family support to carry out certain essential activities, to the training and daily dissemination of health measures to be adopted and the delivery of masks. The project award has been awarded to the University Volunteer Program of the University of Murcia, for a long and brilliant career in fostering and promoting university volunteering and for the development of projects to alleviate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, serving people in vulnerable situations.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza