Anatole France |
United Left-Greens Cieza joins and supports the antitaurina concentration convened by animalistic groups and associations of the Region of Murcia for next Sunday April 3, which will take place at 16:00 hours at the bullring in the town.
From IU-Greens Cieza opposition to the promotion or subsidy from public funds festivities involving any type of animal abuse, consistent with our commitment to the welfare, guarantee animal protection and the respect due to any living being is essential for the development of an animalistic awareness in this process of civilization.
For the organization, both bullfights and the running and release of heifers, animal circuses and similar events are to a greater or lesser extent, cause suffering, pain and death to free these animals.
Therefore, IU-Green adds to the concern of thousands of people for the welfare of animals, why it supports antitaurina concentration promoted by various animal rights groups and organizations such as GARM (Animalista Group Murcia) ANIMUR Federation, PAES Association, the Apa El Refugio, CT 4Gatos Apa, Apa Refugees SDARM the PachAnimal Association Free Association.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza