The location, next to several blocks of flats, had been full of garbage, which causes serious health problems for the whole neighborhood according to municipal sources say in a note.
The Department of Services City of Cieza explained in the statement that after the state in which the area was "with great abundance of trash result of the last bottles of Easter" is the cleansing of the land by Aguas de Cieza.
"Cleanliness" says Councilman Services, Francisco Saorín, "was held on Tuesday February 28 and was carried out by operators of Aguas de Cieza, being an extraordinary performance and therefore have to pay separately , quantified at around 2,000 euros. "
Francisco Saorín "calls on all citizens responsibility to use the spaces, both public and private, although it is clear that the place known as 'Las Balsas' is not a space provided by the City of Cieza for any purpose, since it is undeveloped land, which should not give rise to anti-social behavior ".
"The place chosen by our young people to meet, of course, is not the most appropriate or the most recommended, but once they are there should not ignore the most basic rules of coexistence."
Francisco Saorín has also expressed "satisfaction with the work done from Aguas de Cieza, and appreciates the speed with which cleaning was performed following a request from the Department of Services".
Finally, the municipal government reports that "is already well advanced memory being drafted in the department of works to proceed with performances at the V-6, as was approved in plenary, following a motion by CCCI, and will consist of the search and clearing of land and the ultimate demise of the rafts, which is what risk is ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza