This May Day, International Day of Working Class, is particularly important in the current political and social situation, especially in a country with more than five million unemployed, about poverty rates exceeding 30% of the population and most affect on children, with poverty wages and some impoverished workers, a country continue to rise evictions, with 40% of unemployed people who do not charge any subsidy, more than one million households where not enter any income, a system in which women are doubly exploited and paid less than men and in which youth not planned any future.
Faced with this panorama, Green Cieza IU argues that the mobilization is the way of change and social transformation to governments that systematically prioritize payments to international speculators through the so-called debt, rather than the needs of his people , governments that their laws to benefit an elite minority which account for expropriation to the class trabajadora- immense wealth, not forgetting the "looting of public coffers" through the installed and widespread corruption throughout the country.
From IU-Greens Cieza we believe that only union workers whatever their situation, the union of all people who suffer the effects of policies to the dictates of the Troika implemented by governments, can change the course of events .
To do this, our presence in the streets on May 1 is vital, fighting together for a noble and dignified world to ensure the future of society and the environment.
Therefore, we call on all people who suffer the crisis to go out Sunday and say "Enough", demanding solutions to the problems of workers, demanding the recovery of stolen rights;
in short, we call ourselves visible and to fight united against capitalism and for our rights.
The demonstration of Murcia depart Sunday from Fuensanta place at 11.30 am.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza