IU supports the rejection of the educational community and the rebelliousness of eight autonomous communities to LOMCE and revalidation, deeply segregating, exclusive and competitive.
It is well established that this type of standardized tests really only serve to encourage rote and decontextualized learning primarily through bureaucratic control of school practices and the teaching profession.
Research shows that, despite the resources invested in this type of standardized since the early 90's assessments, there is no consistent or significant improvement in school performance.
Rather negative effects are observed and technical weaknesses, as only consider what students do at the time of subjecting them to unnecessary stress.
These tests seek ultimately to identify, label and select from pre-primary to those students who have learning problems facing a selection and final screen in secondary and high school.
Often, moreover, they are accompanied by the philosophy of "display" publicly the test results, rankings format, as if it were a competition.
This really answers a neoliberal conception whose fundamental purpose is to create an educational market (publicly funded) where schools (education providers) should be considered to be "struggling" to offer an attractive product to suit the demands of customers, for all families, which have become consumers and consumers, to choose the one that best competitive advantages can report them to their offspring.
From the Department of Education Izquierda Unida we remain committed another possible education and working with the rest of the educational community in common setout of an Education Act all and for all, in which the real protagonist of the whole process is the student body and the educational community and not the dominant neoliberal ideology in the service of a precarious market and a model of unjust and unequal society.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza