Build consensus and action lines aimed at local development for European funds.
It is the aim of the participatory process through sectoral working groups, will open now to define the needs and problems that society needs to address the region with financial support from the European Union.
Faced with a large attendance of representatives of ciezano associations and accompanied by the Councillor for Economic Development of the City of Cieza, Antonio Moya, Cristina Lopez, manager ADRI (Association for Integrated Rural Development) Vega del Segura, which manages aid handles aid from European funds LEADER and belonging the City of Cieza, reported Wednesday in the conference room of the Father Library Salmeron on the launch a process of public participation and debate that will result in the design of a Development Strategy Local participatory in the territory of the Vega del Segura, in order that, "based on our problems and needs, a number of proposals for action agreed in which said corresponding funds be invested the period 2014-2020 is designed".
He said, aware that the participation of citizens and actors in the territory will contribute to getting the design of LEADER strategy that puts the accent on the real needs of the population and the territory of the Vega del Segura, have raised a series of roundtables throughout the territory included in the local action group ADRI Vega del Segura.
In the same they may participate all persons, associations, companies, organizations and other groups that might be interested in this European program, as well as those actions and investments that contribute to the revitalization and social and economic development of our territory.
Among the novelties of the new aid LEADER possible use of the four EU funds opens: EAFRD (required) ERDF, Social Fund and EMFF, allowing more flexibility, synergy, coordination and coherence.
Similarly, higher rates of co-financing (EAFRD and ERDF-FS 80-90 +10), preparatory assistance strategies, measures to improve the quality of local development strategies, greater flexibility in eligibility rules and greater autonomy are presented Management for GAL (Local Action Groups).
The application to rural areas and other areas, such as coastal areas, smaller cities, disadvantaged urban areas, industrial districts and surrounding rural areas will spread.
Other conditions of application are financing LEADER LEADER least 5% of the EAFRD contribution to the PDR;
public / private composition of the GAL, in which neither the public sector nor any single interest group should represent more than 49% of the voting rights in decision-making;
operating costs and animation of the local development strategy can be up to a maximum of 25% of the total public expenditure incurred within that strategy, and local action groups may request the payment of an advance if such possibility is included in the program rural development, which may not exceed 50% of public aid in order to operating costs and animation. "
two eligible areas, one productive for municipalities and companies with the possibility of financing projects of up to 50% are set, and other non-productive for associations in which they may benefit from funding of up to 100%.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza