The Department of Citizenship directed Nerea Martinez reports the opening of the online public consultation for the selection of proposals for participatory budgets of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia 2017.
From the municipal area are reminded that all citizens of the Region of Murcia can participate easily, "because only required to indicate the identity card and mobile phone number. Once registered, the citizen will receive an SMS message to the mobile to participate and do it from the terminal itself, or from your computer using the key sent ".
In the online questionnaire selection among 90 projects selected from 221 proposed by organizations and groups of each of the following areas is proposed:
Support bilingualism ACNEAE student support, international cooperation for development, social economy, cultural management, improving school life, promotion of handicrafts, health promotion, promotion of sport and retail promotion.
Interested parties may participate until next October 7, from web.
From City of Cieza it is encouraged "strongly encouraged neighbors to participate, although from the CARM was not even given us move the start of the feedback to different departments of Participation of municipalities, as it is one more chance that our voice and our preferences are heard by administrations ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza