"It is not understood the attitude of the PP in the course of the regular ordinary held this week, denoting, at least, a lack of preparation and data in its political management."
This is the criticism made by the first deputy mayor, Francisco Saorin, in the assessment he made this Wednesday at a press conference of the regular ordinary of January held on Tuesday night.
Regarding the approval of the proposal of the local government to establish measures to combat energy poverty, Francisco Saorin reproached the Popular Party "the absurdity of its abstention, trying to divert the debate to whether it was the plenary or Congress the relevant institution to elucidate This question".
The mayor stressed that what is intended with this motion, which obtained the support of the government team and CCCi, is to highlight that "energy poverty is a reality in our country, in the Region of Murcia, Higher rate than the rest of Spain by the way, and it is also a reality in our municipality. We speak of a question of solidarity towards the people who suffer it and not of whether it is up to us or others to vote. "
The second of the proposals presented by the Executive ciezano, and unanimously approved, raised the prevention and fight against AIDS in the municipal area.
"The initiative," said Saorin, "demonstrates the human character of this government and its leftist path. We can not neglect the attention of any neighbor whatever their problem."
Saorin also referred to the motions of the opposition.
Regarding the request of the PP to comply with the full agreement for the cleaning and minimization of uncontrolled landfills, the Government spokesman expressed his astonishment, "since it is not understandable that the Councilor for Environment expose their duties done, with reliable explanation And meticulous of the 32 blackheads that have been cleaned and the municipal resources employed, and the Popular Party responds that that is something that they left themselves made, something that, at least, causes laughter.
On the other hand, the council congratulated CCCi "for a proposal of flag, unanimously approved, with the objective aimed at the development and local dynamization of employment that called for a multi-year plan for this purpose."
Saorín also praised the meeting point found with Citizens C's for the monitoring and control of compliance with the plenary agreements, for which the mayor promised to convene on a quarterly basis the board of spokespersons.
As for the Ciezanos Centrists' request for the optimum development of the AP-2 (zone of the rafts of the hermitage of Santo Cristo) based on the public promotion, Francisco Saorín opined, on the proposal, that "it has no raison d'être That the City of Cieza agreed to change the system of action of this area of ​​planning of compensation to cooperation, because an initiative was already approved in November 2012, which was later published in the BORM. This government team does not rule out any option in this respect, which does not mean that it has changed course on the subject. At some point we can get to the CCCi, but now a question of priorities is imposed, since the City Council does not Has 90,000 initial euros that would cost to start such action. "
Finally, the councilman censured a PP "disfigured, unprepared and with motions that seek the head of the press," abounding in what he considers "lack of preparation and political travel, especially, the popular spokesman, Juan Manuel Molina, who chose For using a constant attack against my person during the defense of the motion in which he asked for the repair and conditioning of the highways of Mula and Calasparra, RM 532 and RM B19, which, precisely, are autonomous ownership and would correspond, Therefore, to repair to the popular government of the Region of Murcia if its president was not occupied with so many imputations.
He concluded by noting that the City Council "is carrying out actions on these roads in the sections that cover areas of the urban center, because that is the responsibility of the municipal government, to meet the needs of the Ciezans."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza