Pursuant to Law 43/2010 of December 30, which liberalizes the mail-distribution sector, the consistory has publicly offered the distribution of correspondence on the part of its departments, namely Resource Management, Cadastral Management and Inspection and Sanctions, with Previous experience and as a pilot experience.
Subsequently, if the experience is positive as expected, it is intended to be extended to other departments.
The corresponding economic-administrative specifications, has already been published, and can be accessed through the "profile of the contractor".
Antonio Ignacio Martínez-Real, Councilor for Finance, commented that "these are thousands of letters and notifications that we make annually, the bid is valued at 72,600 euros per year and is for the next two years, extendable by one more. Objective is to get a better price than we have right now for each ordinary letter shipment, as well as for each administrative notification. It is also intended to improve the service, since in the specification the commitment is assessed for the reduction of lead times , As well as the integration of a computer system compatible with ours, which would mean a new cost reduction for the consistory, since they would save many hours of work in enveloping letters.
Finally, concluded the Councilor for Finance stating that "logically has taken into account the content of the current Common Administrative Procedure Act in regard to notifications, so that the future adjudicator is required, in cases of Absence, to repeat the attempt to notify on different days and at different times, as established by the aforementioned Law. Therefore, it is a further step to optimize the services, matching the improvement of the same with the savings in costs ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza