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Community support of a new vehicle adapted to facilitate the mobility of children and youth with mental disabilities Cieza (25/01/2011)

This assistance is part of the grants from Public Works for the purchase of vehicles used to transport people with reduced mobility

The Ministry of Public Works and Planning, through the Directorate General for Transport and Ports, supports a new vehicle adapted to the Regional Association of Parents and Mentally Handicapped Savers (Ascope) to facilitate the mobility of children and young people Cieza with learning disabilities.

The Director General of Transport and Ports, Carmen Sandoval, stated that "the regional government finances the purchase of a vehicle to this non-profit association that serves a sector of the population with specific needs in order to facilitate development both in their daily routine as specific activities. "

With this vehicle, Ascope will serve 41 students from special education charter schools 'Good Shepherd', which serves children and youth aged 3 to 21 years.

In addition, users may attend Occupational Center.

School students with activities related to communication and language, physiotherapy receive individualized multisensory, plus counseling.

The director general noted that "the main objective of these grants is to support teachers, physiotherapists, speech therapists, technicians and educational assistants, volunteers and other personnel services of these centers in their educational work and integration of people with disabilities special. "

This aid, amounting to a total of 21,071 euros, is part of the grants from the Ministry of Public Works and Planning for the acquisition of vehicles adapted for the carriage of persons with disabilities.

Source: CARM

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