Leisure room of Hon.
Municipality of Cieza, received last weekend championship, involving 22 youngsters from the municipality.
Among all participants played various parties included within different groups.
The winners of each group went to Second Round, Quarterfinals, Semifinal and only 2 chose the first place.
The ciezanos Antonio Moreno and Jose Carlos Avellaneda were made with the last match of the championship, the first post for Avellaneda and the second for Moreno.
They divided between both players 100 €, 70 € for the winner and just 30 € for the runners.
This event is organized by the Department of Youth and the local group "CIEJUVENTUD."
Friday February 11 was organized football and a championship on Saturday, 12 Feber be another of Ping Pong.
The tournament will begin at 20 h.
Both days.
Youth interested in participating can register at the Department of Youth or by calling 968764353.