Cieza The PSOE has sent a press release regarding the new law that aims to bring forward the PP and establishing a schedule of fees to litigate, which in the case of resources and in the workplace can reach 750 euros.
The press release sent by the socialist formation reads "If this law goes ahead as it is referred to, will prevent or seriously impede the right of access to an effective remedy, thus finding ourselves in a situation similar to the preconstitutional period. The Act establishes a schedule of fees to start litigation in the civil courts amounts to 100 euros for payment procedure or 300 euros for a standard, and if subsequently used in Appeal must pay a new fee 800 euros in the administrative courts if we bring an abbreviated administrative disputes, for example by a traffic ticket, the fee is $ 200, and as an example in this jurisdiction the appeal would cost 1,200 euros. Neither social escapes the jurisdiction to bring an appeal for reversal is required to pay 500 euros and to continue with the appeal we must add another 750 euros ".
In the words of Antonio Martinez-Real, Secretary General of the PSOE in Cieza, "This law is a barrier to access to justice, and would violate Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution which gives everyone the right to judicial protection from judges and courts in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, but in no case can go undefended. This bill is an attack on equal rights, and causes considerable small businesses and freelancers, as in many cases and claims amount to be more expensive to pay the fee to the amount of the invoice, for example an electrician who wants to charge a 90 euro bill, would have to pay a fee of 100 euros for putting the payment procedure . Therefore, it is quite obvious that the new law will mean an increase in defaults and picaresque, as there will be many people, knowing that the high cost of going to court, stop paying your small debts, thus causing serious injury to people working every day to earn the salary of each day and they will not be effective and cost-effective means going to court in defense of their legitimate interests. "
Source: PSOE Cieza