Verdejo has indicated that UPyD is the only party that explicitly includes joint custody of children by both parents, as the preferred option in cases of separation and divorce.
The lawyer and member of the delegation of UPyD in Cieza, Oscar Verdejo, attended the Association acts of Separated Parents (APFS) held in the Plaza de Santo Domingo de Murcia on Tuesday, March 19, to mark the day of father to claim custody.
"We realize that it is necessary to reverse the current situation, in which the preferred option is the almost exclusive or sole custody," he stated, while he recalled the work of the parliamentary group UPyD is performing at the Congress of Deputies legislation to allow joint custody.
Also, Verdejo has emphasized that joint custody is in response to children's right, enshrined in the European Charter of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the UN.
Both speak of her right of both parents to enjoy both in their education and in their development.
"We understand that we must advance also to shared responsibility, or copaternalidad because equality can not exist without responsibility" he says.
In this sense, Verdejo has stated that it is necessary to search for agreements in the child, opting for mediation in the conflict.
Finally, Verdejo has indicated that UPyD commitment that regulation of joint custody is a national level to ensure equal rights throughout the country.
Source: UPyD Cieza