Antonio Penalva, spokesman for the municipal IU-Green City of Cieza, recalled that "on June 26, 2013 appeared in regional press announcement that the Institute for Housing and Land in the Region of Murcia earmark near 34,000 euros to repair public housing promotion fourteen in Cieza, homes that are known in this town as the 'white floors', and that the works would start in the month of July with the aim to alleviate damage caused by the passage of time ".
According to the mayor ecosocialista, as of today, "announced in June the repairs have not been performed, but they have again been promised by the Chief Antonio Sevilla, in the presence of the Mayor of Cieza, Antonio Tamayo, during his last visit to our town, visit fruitless as they come, if we consider that they have not offered anything new to town, merely return to the failed promise in relation to the 'white floors' and pledging to consider alternative infrastructure investments only if the budget allows. "
Ecosocialista group Councillors have nothing unclear whether the promised investment of just over 47,000 euros will answer all rehabilitation needs' housing 'white floors', which are owned by the Autonomous Community, presented to day today, "or if instead it is a patch that contented and angry about others, as evidence that we are more than 14 homes that have serious habitability".
Because the last storm occurred in Cieza, like many other buildings in the municipality, revealed the existence of water leaking from the roof top of buildings "that they produced flooding inside homes, by what we wondered if the repairs contemplated under the arrangement of the terraces in order to prevent future recurrence of similar episodes, resulting in a significant deterioration in the house ".
Penalva remember that "these houses belong to the Institute of Housing and Land in the Region of Murcia, which gives neighboring housing on a rental basis, so your own obligation and duty is to keep them as minimally decent conditions for whom inhabit ".
This has prompted the eco-socialist municipal group has decided to publicly ask the government team clarification on the conditions and scope of the proposed action, including what homes are going to benefit, when they will start work, what rehabilitation activities are going to incorporate the projects, with special attention to the situation of the covers, and how it will proceed with the recruitment.
The group also is interested in questioning about the causes of delay in the execution of works that are urgently needed, and they were already planned for the month of July by the Institute for Housing and Land.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza