Thus adds to the campaign by environmentalists to show that the technique is incompatible with the protection of water environment available to the Water Act.
Allegations of United Left-Greens target the Segura basin in relation to the draft regulations and Hydrological Plan of the Segura River Basin, specifically the documents entitled "Proposed Draft Water Plan" and "Report of Environmental Sustainability ".
With the submission of the same formation ecosocialista joins the campaign by Ecologists in Action aims to highlight the violation of the Water Act for operating permits in impermeable shale oil through hydraulic fracturing techniques, the controversial fracking.
According Illueca, the intention is to exhaust all possible avenues in opposition to the use of fracking in our region, "a half-art environmentally unsustainable, that only benefits a few and could seriously harm the general interest, so the balance between benefit and harm is not compensated in any ways. "
In the words of this council, "fracking uses a number of substances of which 17 have been classified as toxic to aquatic organisms, 38 are not acutely toxic, 8 are proven carcinogens and other 6 are under serious suspicion of being 7 are mutagenic and 5 elements have proven effects on reproduction. "
Moreover, "fracking is a technique of prospecting and mining that consumes a lot of water, so its release is totally incongruous in districts like ours, being a clear example of irresponsibility on the part of those who govern us in a basin which for many years has been considered deficient water from the point of view. "
In the submissions "also shows that the use of fracking odds with the objectives and guidelines of the Water Act, which prohibits any activity likely to contaminate or spill or directly or indirectly degrade groundwater, when precisely fracking carries a very high risk of pollution consisting primarily of breaks in jacketed or seepage ponds, uncontrolled dumping and poor management of contaminated mud returning to the surface, to which must be added the risks of contamination aquifer as a result of the upwelling of water with toxic chemical additives injected underground under pressure and are actually the most serious problem. "
To which we must add that "almost all the surface covering research permits Segura Basin aquifers are about as in the case of the syncline Calasparra, an aquifer connected directly to the Rio Segura at a possible contamination of this it would also be of the flows of the Segura. "
José Eduardo Illueca Therefore, as Councilman IU-Greens, calls both local and regional politicians and citizens "to each according to their possibilities curb this irresponsibility of fracking, politicians, especially those who govern us, particularly the mayor of Cieza, I ask publicly acting with the governments of Murcia and Spain to try to impose sense and stop the application of hydraulic fracturing in our town, the citizens, it should ask you to inform and therefore mobilize, since much is at stake, and a good time to start is to join the campaign to make representations to the Basin Plan. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza