The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza complaint also ordered them not included in budgets to collect outstanding amounts from previous years, 40% of 2011 and 25% for 2012.
The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, Francisco Saorín, expressed his rejection of the new cut in the starting running costs of schools, "which will mean a reduction of 15% of funds and even more precarious economic situation some centers already struggling to meet basic expenses such as electricity or heating. "
Saorín through a press release, it has publicly denounced this new aggression to public school in the Region of Murcia recalling that "the progressive decrease in funding for the operation of schools is assuming not only an economic suffocation thereof, but also a deterioration of conditions in the schools and colleges should develop entrusted with the task. "
Thus, the coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas has echoed the complaints of the teaching unions about the statement that the Ministry of Education has provided public schools on the economic value assigned to each concept in Operating expenses for 2014.
"The cuts in operating costs of schools and colleges began in 2011 when the Ministry left without paying the 40 percent of the budgeted amount. Continued in 2012 with a decline of 15 percent and an unpaid quarter of the dwindling budget . followed in 2013 with a decrease of 16.6 percent of the budget, but has finally been paid in full, and continues in 2014 with this new decline another 15 percent, has denounced the CCOO Federation of Teaching in Murcia, by what "the budget for 2014 remains at 60 percent sent in 2011 and in practice means a worsening of the conditions of schools and consecrate the default of that 40 percent," stressed Saorín.
The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, has also coincided with the Inter-STERM that "in a year in which it intends to launch a new education law, we fear that this new cut done by assuming a greater contribution of families. "
Finally, Saorín has called on the Councillor for Education in the city of Cieza, Antonia María Giménez, to rule on "this new attack on education from a government that has squandered in monumental works and no social demand and now takes refuge in the crisis and the situation of public finances to 'finish' the essential basic services. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza