The Segura basin (CHS) will invest 60,440 euros in the works to improve flood protection in the Rambla de Agua Amarga ciezana.
The works, which have already begun and will extend for five months, will protect an agricultural area that floods often occur when large avenues and the solution was a longstanding demand of the neighbors.
The basin organization increase the hydraulic capacity of the watercourse, which drains into the river Segura-recreciendo precast concrete frames in the place where the runway crosses the road, in the hamlet of Entre Ramblas.
This elevation also include the step height increasing for road traffic, in order to prevent them from acting as a barrier in case during episodes of increased flow rate can lead to heavy rain.
In addition, a work is also performed to facilitate drainage of a ramblizo that goes to the masonry that regrows.
Piped through the overflow pipes of this channel, which has produced significant damage on farms downstream of the mouth should be avoided.
In total, we will act on an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters.
Source: CHS