The next regular plenary session for the month of April, IU-Greens will be interested in the efforts from the Department of aiming at the implementation of a food bank in Cieza welfare by formulating this purpose a written Question Councillor bunch Cobarro Ana.
This was confirmed by the ecosocialista Councilman Jose Eduardo Ballester Illueca through a press release issued by the municipal political group of IU-Greens.
In that statement, the council notes that "the agreement was adopted by the plenary at the regular meeting for the month of November, and has been more than four months since then, so we believe it is appropriate that public knowledge of a the progress of the efforts in this regard come from making the Department of Social Welfare of the City ".
The agreement, approved unanimously by the ciezano Consistory proposal IU-Greens, involves two distinct points: to provide a budget to purchase food in the municipal budgets in 2014, to be distributed through humanitarian organizations working with disadvantaged or collective Public Food Bank when it was created, and initiate action to establish, as soon as possible, of a Public Food Bank in the city of Cieza, who would be responsible for executing a plan Food Aid to be developed by the Department of Social Affairs.
According Illueca, "it is clear that the existence of budget item is subject to the approval of the Budget for 2014, but, in view of the delay it suffers, we want to explain any guarantee that this envelope is finally going to contemplate and if you plan to make any changes to the budget in this extended sense, for the approval of the budget might be expected, I do not know, but certainly can not expect who is who needs food aid. "
Moreover, ecosocialists councilors believe that "when the April plenary session to be held five months have passed since the adoption of our initiative, and we believe it is sufficient to have been carried out and efforts aimed at implementing its Plenum time November: we want to explain if you have done any kind of study or negotiation on the conditions of possibility of a Public Food Bank in Cieza, driven by the City Council, whose function would be to channel management and other food surpluses donations from associations of entities including the City Council and private, and also if work has begun to prepare the Plan of Food Aid approved the agreement refers to ".
In Alderman Illueca opinion, "the precarious social position that seriously affects a large segment of the population of Cieza requires the highest institutional ownership and implementation of bold and decisive action by the municipal government, even transcending what would your powers strict social assistance. "
Of course, "which could not be understood, after the satisfaction of many people by the passing of the resolution, would be an attitude of passivity to let her reduced to a gesture in the face of public opinion, devoid of materiality, I sincerely believe that this not going to happen, or at least I hope so, but for this reason it is very important from the Department of Social Welfare is to inform the citizens of the state of affairs. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza