The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza has asked the government of Antonio Tamayo (PP) to "follow the lead" of other municipalities and allocate the surplus in 2013, "if any" productive investments that create jobs. "
"It's the least we can do right now, given the state of social emergency we face and soaring unemployment figures supporting our people," stated the coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas in a press release.
Saorín said that after the approval of Decree Law 2/2014 by the central government, "the people would not understand that the City dedicate the budget surplus of 2013 to repay debts, rather than address the situation of precariousness and poverty ciezanas afflicting hundreds of families. "
"Since the settlement of the remaining 2013 budget is positive, it should be fully used for investments that create jobs", he asserted.
The coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas recalled that according to city spokesman of the PP, María José García, the clearance of the accounts of the City of Cieza for the year 2013, offers a surplus "is around 2.800.000 euro", but "this money is largely for invoices that were submitted in December 2013 and have to be paid now. "
Along with this claim, Saorín also proposes that the city urgently convene employers, trade unions and social organizations, and political groups, in order to agree on effective measures to alleviate "the main problem ciezanos, which is none other than the unemployment, a scourge that affects structurally and about 4,000 people in the town. "
It has also asked for a hand, a BSP is believed, being "a useful tool" to attract job-creating investments, and secondly, a Monitoring Committee PGMO to put productive land use in the city without running and developing industrial projects, "always giving priority to the general interest over private profit."
"Cieza can not wait," he emphasized Saorín, who has warned the mayor that "there is no more time for excuses", since in his opinion, "the chilling unemployment data which is experiencing the town demanding an urgent response from local and demonstrate the need to invest in other municipal employment policy. "
Therefore, it has urged Tamayo to join, "once, the fight against unemployment, starting with accepting proposals that their political strength comes asking to combat this scourge."
Source: IU-verdes Cieza