IU-Greens Cieza has submitted a statement to the local media in expressing its accession, nuances of any kind, the statement signed by various social, cultural, political and civic organizations in the Region of Murcia under the slogan "Solidarity Palestine Gaza are all "and invites all to join ciezanos the peaceful rally which on this occasion will be held in the Plaza de Santo Domingo in Murcia next Tuesday, August 5, at 19:30 hours.
The local coordinator of this training recalls that, "under the guise of the kidnapping and murder of three youths not rinse Israeli students in the West Bank, which occurred last June, the Israeli government has launched a new operation punishment on Palestinians confined to the Gaza Strip, under the misleading name of Defensive Shield, is a campaign of genocidal aggression against the people of the territory. "
Massacres of civilians in Gaza have been repeated periodically but in this case "have broken all the marks of cruelty and ignominy by the Israelis, leaving small, even the horrors of Operation Cast Lead, tragic remember, in January 2009. "
This time, "the white of the Israeli army were the most populous neighborhoods, knocking, entered other objectives, private homes, hospitals, ambulances, mosques packed with worshipers, hospital or sanitation and water distribution; civilian deaths are to date, more than 1,800, most of them children, women and elderly, the wounded are thousands and displaced from their homes by hundreds of thousands. "
According Saorín, "Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, so a massive bombing operation can not assume anything other than the genocide of innocent people, we feel extremely serious that the international community ( U.S. and the European Union, Spain included) allows the government of Israel these criminal behavior. "
As coordinator reminds ecosocialists Cieza, "Israel has long refused to abide by international resolutions and to respect the basic human rights of the Palestinian population, the construction of the Wall in the West Bank and the Gaza blockade collective punishment for the supposed Palestinians set and can not be understood as legitimate counter-terrorism policies. "
Moreover, "the responsibility does not lie exclusively in who massacred innocent against basic humanitarian principles and against all the rules of international law, is shared by those who, being able to stop, give up do or even make ' clappers' of genocide. "
In this line, from Cieza IU-Greens' criticism of the UCAM by investing with the highest distinction, the honorary degree, the most responsible for the genocide, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu "is fully shared.
Therefore, "the voice of the people has become a popular outcry and condemnation of this behavior of aggression against the Palestinian people, to force Western governments so far accomplices, and the first Spanish, press Israel with energy and firmness necessary to force him to change positions, it is indispensable to create a UN commission of inquiry into the Israeli bombings and on the other hand, we must help the besieged Palestinian people with the urgent dispatch of medical help and supported the Freedom Flotilla. "
A popular clamor, in the opinion of Saorín, "will be heard, no doubt, hard in Murcia, in Spain and throughout Europe on Tuesday as calls and others that follow, if Israel does not stop its crimes of war and against humanity. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza