The political group Cieza IU-Greens have reviewed the results of the regular plenary session on Monday via a press release, as is his custom.
In it, his councilor José Eduardo Illueca is gratified that the two initiatives made by his group have been finally approved.
In the words of this council, "there are two issues that come from afar, in the case of the Cuesta del Molino, our initiative has had to wait four months to get to be debated, and in that of Pastor Germán Arias, we must remember that the problem has passed the House four times since 2009, always at the request of the United Left-Greens, and the results so far have been insufficient. "
In the resolution adopted unanimously on Monday "I addresses two different and equally important aspects."
On the one hand, "the City undertakes to clear the entire environment and the withdrawal of accumulated garbage in the river banks to move it to an authorized landfill manager, and also to complete the study on the possible social uses of vacant lots area conveniándolos the owners. "
Furthermore, "an agreement in three parts between City Hall, cooperatives and farmers to try to solve the problem of migrant workers who live and sleep outdoors during the summer months, a complicated issue where they mix it look human rights these people and neighbors innegalbe right to be free from the unbearable discomfort arising. "
The agreement has been taken by the House, but as Illueca recalls, "now needs to be translated into action, and enforcement is the responsibility of governing, ie, the Mayor and Council of the People's Party."
You can not forget the fact that "there were three previous agreements in 2009, 2011 and 2013, always taken unanimously on a proposal from our group, and that compliance has been very unsatisfactory, reaching produce such regrettable situations like those experienced this summer in the vicinity of Pastor Germán Arias ".
From IU-Greens, "as promoters of the initiative, we can not but offer our full cooperation and willingness to compromise the government team to reach final solutions, but let there be no mistake: if no significant progress to meet the aspirations neighbors will denounce with all the energy. "
As for the other motion passed, "the residents of Mill Road who live next to start the B-19 spent months complaining and denouncing the problems faced, and it is really worrying that a motion as that which has been adopted yesterday Time to wait for four months. "
Problems affecting this area "are basically of two types, insufficient regulation of vehicular traffic in the area and flood episodes that recur in low and garages every time you download a heavy rain."
Neighbors even broke into the House to protest once, as Illueca recalls, "and yet the Mayor agreed not to advance the floor for discussion of the motion so that could have been passed before, in deference to the neighbors. "
In short, "but two major agreements, it should be stressed, are merely arrangements for the moment, the most immediate execution may be the touchstone to see if this time there is a real political will to address these problems that come along, especially the Pastor Germán Arias, and should have already found an appropriate solution while. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza