Last July was the worst month since the crisis began in loss of membership of the social security Cieza.
This is confirmed by data published this Monday, August 25, by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security disaggregated by municipality, in the case of Cieza is a very strong worsening job losses, well above the unemployment data offered by the SEF registered pointing 634 more unemployed compared to June.
In a press release, Saorín Francisco, ciezanos ecosocialistas coordinator, stated that in July the number of workers covered by social security in the city has declined by 1,145, to fall between members being especially significant to the agricultural system (1093), and much less so in the general (-28) and autonomous (-26), and little significant variation among domestic workers (+2).
Furthermore, Saorín said "between the months of June and July the decrease in enrollment in social security and therefore the actual job losses in the city has reached 2,359 ciezanos".
39 jobs lost per day
"The terrible reality that data samples affiliation to social security indicates that in the first two months of summer, when employment has grown in the region and the country, have been destroyed in Cieza 38.7 jobs every day, a vortex growth much higher than in previous years which has led the city to reach the 26.3% unemployment unemployment, which predicts that, following significant declines traditionally produced from July, unemployment largely exceeding the 30% in the coming months, "he explained Saorín.
Least 585 members in the last year
The reality is that at 31 July 9535 only covered by social security in Cieza on a population of over 35,000 residents were counted, noting the coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas 585 members who had less compared to July 2013, "by so the start of the much-vaunted recovery and good data that portend for unemployment certainly are not for Cieza, though the mayor of Cieza and the regional director of the SEF, referring the May data, in full shift of picking fruit, launched from the rooftops ensuring that the annual decline in unemployment in Cieza was not cyclical ,.
Actual unemployment figures may be worse
The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, has clarified that although this is much more reliable than the registered unemployment as it is workers who have lost their jobs, while the second refers to enrollees offices SEF, data from the Social Security does not really capture all unemployment because, according to the Government itself, relate to contracts and a number of people not working, so admitting implicitly that has several times the same people who are multiple jobs.
"This means that the statistical average Social Security affiliation can include multiple times to the same workers as if they are high in different jobs," he stressed Saorín
Plan to create jobs
With these data in hand, and in anticipation of a sharp deterioration in the month of August, the coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza has directed its criticism against the mayor of Cieza remains 'deaf' to the tragedy afflicting hundreds of families ciezanas, installed in the 'not know, no answer'.
Saorín has returned to summon 'a month' Mayor Cieza for 'indefinite leave and paid holiday has been taken' and present at the next full plan within the powers of the council to revive the town's economy and generating employment, providing a thread of hope to the more than 2,000 who have neither job ciezanos nor perceive any benefit, many with dependents, which awaits a harsh winter, reminding him that three months ago ecosocialists councilors quantified and presented a funded proposal to create 220 direct jobs in cleaning and reforesting during the months of October, November and December to remedy this situation;
initiative was rejected by the Government Tamayo, without presenting any alternative in turn. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza