The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, Francisco Saorín, praised programming Fair 2014 as 'very poor', "of which there were four masses and two events conducive to 'collective bottle.'"
Saorín, said that although it has doubled the budget compared to 2013 to reach 120,000 euros, the amount contrasts with "waste" of the "years of brick" in which it came to budget up to 500,000 euros " in celebration of dubious quality and taste ";
and is that of coordinator of ciezanos ecosocialistas opinion, finishing the developer dream Antonio Tamayo, generous "benefactors of the people" they forsook the ciezano PP, municipal coffers "shaking" and devoid of imagination, has scheduled a Fair not exactly punished invites neighbors to leave their homes, much less visitors who come from other towns.
For the coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas, "the impoverished Fair this year's Surf policy waste of years of brick, a true reflection of the decline and economic ruin that has led to Cieza years of government Antonio Tamayo, no more political project that dreams of speculation, which have been watered down, and with a paralyzed and taken refuge in the most casposas ideas of the past "PP.
"Only the willful actions of some bands, neglected in the boom years, and the participation of associations offer some compensation in a festive program" ridiculous and stale "for a population of over 35,000 inhabitants," stressed Saorín.
Lack of imagination
To Saorín, poverty program parties, especially with regard to the performances of the night, which is the claim for neighbors out of their houses and to forget their situation for a few hours, is not only attributable to the low budget city ​​for them, but also the lack of imagination, because in a moment in which the cache groups and musical soloists is very low, you could have gone to retrieve events of medium format as the Festival of the Moon IU launched during his time in the municipal government, an event in which at an affordable price of three euros you could enjoy a varied repertoire of actions.
Four summers theater
Saorín also has been critical of the lack of Theatre Festival;
"An event in the format of the festival, event or sample had been offering since the restoration of democracy, and for the fourth consecutive year, the PP has decided to eliminate the cultural and festive panorama of August."
An exhausted government
Finally, the coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza has pointed to "exhaustion ciezano Antonio Tamayo and PP as responsible for this 'Villorio Fair', which in his opinion is a true reflection of the economic, political and social that has led to wasteful and municipality of ideas "right.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza