The coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza, Francisco Saorín, made the usual assessment of the data in registered unemployment in Cieza, once published these by the Employment and Training Service (SEF).
"These figures, although better than January, is a far cry from triumphalism shown by Mariano Rajoy in the last debate on the state of the nation"
Regarding Cieza, registered unemployment decreased by 4.9% (-179) driven by the need to hire labor in agriculture for the work of the 'thinning', "a situation that is repeated every year and contribute to unemployment continue to decline until June, for, from there, start a new and rapid rise, "he explained Saorín.
As for the figures relating to our town, coordinator ciezanos ecosocialistas reported that "registered unemployment has decreased by 179 people compared data from the previous month, with a drop in all sectors, but mainly in agriculture ( -85), followed by services (-71), construction (-10) and industry (-15), while among young people seeking their first employment has increased by 2 the number of registered unemployed, reaching a figure of 293, the highest on record. "
As for recruitment, "although the number of contracts increased by 234 compared to January, reaching 1,472, its impact on employment has required almost 10 contracts per job".
Furthermore, of the 1,472 contracts awarded in February only 57 have been permanent, 3.9%;
A "precarious and temporary runaway you are the notes that today characterize the dynamics of our labor market, where the bulk of the contracts were formalized in agriculture and services," stressed Saorín.
From the social point of view, the coordinator of IU-Greens in Cieza has warned that "the situation is dramatic for many ciezanas families, as hundreds of them, who have all members unemployed and are forced to turn to food banks Caritas and the Red Cross to survive ".
Finally, Saorín has referred to his training approved on Saturday the electoral program that will go to the local elections in May in which a special emphasis on concrete proposals for economic development of the municipality and job creation is done, and he hoped that "soon a new municipal government concerned people, I am willing to drive, if deemed ciezanos, reverse this situation."
Source: IU-verdes Cieza