For IU-Greens / Win Cieza, "development cooperation is an ethical obligation and justice involves supporting the development of peoples and the recognition of their rights, an obligation to respect its history and culture and a commitment to peace ".
In the words of Maria Bello, young candidate Cieza IU-Win Green, "the municipal government of the PP has a pending issue, since in this last Corporation have disappeared from the municipal budget funds intended for development cooperation and solidarity."
Maria Bello and Pablo García, two of the young talents that are part of the candidacy of IU-Win Green Cieza for municipal, state that a government intervene where this training would turn the situation and presented the priority proposals of IU in the area of ​​cooperation.
Thus, his first commitment is to "encourage citizen participation and social mobilization dándolecontenido the Municipal Council for Cooperation and recover the specific budget line for cooperation desarrollohasta reach 0.7% of the municipal budget, the end of the mandate."
In addition, "one delegate council of peace, solidarity and human rights, in order to channel the proposals in this area yque not remain mere statement of intent would be created."
In another vein, it would advocate "improve performance by coordinating municipal resources through the Federation of Municipalities and other federal bodies with the training of technicians and co-financing of municipal projects, promoting the municipal association" and also " combine cooperation through NGOs directacon cooperation with municipalities through twinning solidarity, which should be a privileged instrument to channel the solidarity and cooperation between twinned local authorities and help to strengthen institutions, popular participation and overcoming the impoverishment ".
A final area where these young candidates understand that it would be essential to make progress is impulos of popular awareness, for the involvement of citizens, which could be achieved "through information campaigns, in collaboration with social movements, to inform neighbors about what is happening in the world in relation to peace, solidarity and cooperation "and also" facilitate, through education for development and peace, uncambio attitudes and behavior in relation to the problems economic, social and cultural imbalances between pueblosy its serious consequences on the lives and survival of the person, which could lograse through agreements with schools in the municipality. "
As for the fate of the budgetary funds allocated to the development cooperaciónpara, Mary and Paul supporters that "projects that contribute to solving chronic deficiency situations population groups by strengthening economic, social and cultural capabilities are intended shown of these groups, especially those aimed at meeting basic needs such as health, nutrition, basic education and training, institutional strengthening, enhancement of social organization, gender, human rights, etc .; and also humanitarian activities, food aid and Emergency. "
Source: IU-verdes Cieza