The candidate of IU-Greens / Win Cieza denounces the attempt to cover up the corruption that is knowing public opinion through the media.
Through a press release, the candidate of IU-Greens / Win Cieza, Cristina García-Vaso, has criticized the words of Justice Minister Rafael Catala, which was in favor of opening the "debate" on whether to sanction to the media to publish information on judicial investigations, in order to protect the "confidentiality" and the presumption of innocence.
A statement that nuance Catalá later, ensuring that its approach if necessary punish the publication of these leaks "has nothing to do with penalizing the media."
The candidate of IU-Greens / Win Cieza considered a "nonsense" Rafael Catala's proposal and said that "leaks is because no transparency."
"We are in a democracy of low quality, and if there were more transparency" and "some not interpret that public institutions are their particular farm, for surely they would not have to leave leaks and should not have statements from ministers saying they will take measures to blame, ultimately, to the messengers, "he added.
As an example, it has been considered that if they had published the names of 715 people included in the tax amnesty investigated by the Treasury would have to be aware of whether there are now about leaks.
"From Plutarch, killing the messenger does not diminish the defeat," he warned García-Vaso, who believes that the government should prevent corruption and not try to "prosecute journalists."
Source: IU-verdes Cieza