The candidate for mayor of IU-Greens / Win Cieza, remember that citizens care is a right of these and mandatory service of the Administration.
This week appeared before the media the mayoral candidate by IU-Greens / Win Cieza to analyze the situation left by the PP in the organization of the City and seven blocks submit proposals for improvement.
Saorín, began by saying that "the situation that has left the PP in the organization of the City Cieza, after twelve years of absolute majority, is characterized by opacity in the financial management and lack of communication with citizens. In addition, the administration is above and sometimes does not respect their rights. And together with this, the absence of adequate channels for democratic participation of citizens in the life of the municipality "is found.
From there, explained the proposals of his electoral program, starting with the area of ​​citizen services, where he said "we will conduct a personalized service with a service appointment with the Mayor and other councilors, we are committed to answer all documents and requests submitted by citizens in the registry of the City and to prioritize the care and welfare of families in social and economic precariousness before undertaking major projects that depart from the basic needs of the people " .
In the field of participatory democracy, I underline the commitment to put in place immediately a Regulation of Citizen Participation;
to advance the development of participatory budgets;
municipal management closer to citizens;
promote public municipal administration from citizen participation, and in compliance with the Historical Memory Law currently in force, to remove all symbols of the Franco dictatorship in the municipality.
In the field of new technologies -the candidate-pledged to review all information services available to the public and for the effective functioning of government employees;
and enhance the functioning of the municipal website making it a means of more operational and more dynamic information.
Regarding the organization of the City, he moved the redesign of the political and administrative organization, establishing an operating and real content departments;
We will adapt the organization and the number of effective local government the powers and functions performed;
and updating Regulation plenary to enable the participation of citizens and to ensure political control of government action by opposition groups.
"As for public services, we define what are essential and priority services, defend a management model that ensures access for all citizens, compensating social inequalities, and that is based on the principles of agile process, continuous improvement of service and proper relationship service / cost, "he insisted.
"In the field of personnel management, will ensure transparency and equal opportunities in access to public service, work for public employee appreciation, will adapt human resources to achieve more and better public service, both at organizational and citizen services, will practice a policy of promotion of staff attending to real needs and will seek continued job training, "he said.
Finally, Saorín addressed the area of ​​transparency and prevention of corruption, which he vowed to take the necessary measures to ensure the ethical conduct of public office and transparency in all that has to do with the fulfillment of its mandate representative;
update the Code of Good Governance;
review procurement procedures, particularly with regard to smaller contracts, negotiated without advertising and fractionation;
and finally, to make public the salaries and heritage of all public offices of local government, as well as their variations.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza