Illueca: "We will introduce Participatory Budgeting for citizens to propose and decide on which public money is spent"
José Eduardo Illueca, candidate for IU-Greens / Win Cieza has appeared at press conference to explain to citizens "our electoral program as important to the life of the City and its activity field and therefore the interests of all citizens as it is the municipal treasury. "
According to the eco-socialist candidate, "the diagnosis of municipalque economy has left us four years of PP government puts us in a scenario characterized by:. Unascuentas municipalesque have been declining year after year, with the gradual depletion of the few sources of income unrealistic budgets, the subsequent settlement reflects a substantial difference between the estimates of revenue and expenditure and then applies. An excessive current expenditure, which is above 85% of the total expenditure of the City and an alarming decline in investment except election years, which slightly increases ".
Moreover Illueca states that "there is a significant current debt situation involves an initial outstanding debt of almost 11 million euros, compared to 8 million in 2008, at the beginning of the mandate expires now aggravated by the amounts to be return for the liquidation of holdings in state taxes from previous years (over two million) from 13.2 million euros, and the debt to be derived from the judgment of the V-6, which will be known in the coming days and that will mean at least an obligation to pay more than 4 million euros to additional owners to amounts already paid. "
They entered and what are the proposals of IU-Greens / Win Cieza, "on taxation will study the possibility of further reductions in property tax for buildings relating to economic activities with a particular social or cultural interest, or in elimpuesto circulation to promote technologies that reduce CO2 emissions. We will also establish allowances and / or exemptions for the development of positive environmental policies. And finally, we will review in depth the wild rise in certain fees for providing administrative, educational services and others PP practiced in the first year in office. "
In point of collection, Illueca "poses as a key objective the recovery of more than 3.3 million owed to the City Council by various commercial PGMO urban redevelopment, and hold accountable if we do not rule finally lost and demonstrates that the loss was due to negligence or mismanagement. "
As the subsidy policy, continuous Winning candidate Cieza, "we design a new stage, with the development of a regulation governing all the subsidies granted by the City Council from the municipal budget, to persons or entities, public or private including, in addition to the nominative subsidies in the budget of the City of Cieza a game for grants under regulatory regime bases, which may be assisted with implementing the various associations in the municipality, in conditions of equality. "
"We will prioritize the control of current expenditure, currently racing. We will study in depth all possible ways to achieve this, without detriment to the public service, eliminating wasteful spending, reducing the cost of the Corporation, using centralized systems to the extent purchases where possible, using formulas municipal organization to reduce costs and implement measures to reduce consumption Control energéticopara water, gas, electricity, telephony and fuels. "
Finally, Illueca said that "we are determined to introduce the Participatory Budget as a tool for citizens to propose and decide on the fate of municipal resources. We are convinced of their usefulness to establish a culture of transparency and participation citizens in the management of public money. "
Participatory Budgeting, explained the candidate of the left, "are a methodology for developing the municipal budget that aims the participation of citizens in the process, in order to establish the main demands and concerns of neighbors and vecinasen usual stuff expense.
Participatory Budgeting "talk about money, but also new opportunities for participation, building democracy in local life, to participate to decide. They speak in short of appropriation of public affairs by the citizens, which is in the background the essence of democracy ".
Source: IU-verdes Cieza