The deputy of the Popular Party, Teodoro Garcia asks the new corporation to make suggestions to "improve the project and support the protection of the Riverwalk projected by the Ministry".
He notes that the national government "has chosen Cieza injecting more than 3 billion euros for a reference project for the protection of nature."
The national deputy, Teodoro Garcia, has warned of the risk that ciezanos lose a grant of 3 million euros from the Ministry of Agriculture.
He noted that "this is one of the largest projects of environmental recovery of the river programmed in recent years, whose main objective is to restore the ecological potential of the area and promote links and assessment of the river in one of the areas of greatest impact and degradation. "
Teodoro Garcia has asked the new municipal corporation to make suggestions to "improve the project and to support the protection of the Riverwalk projected by the Ministry".
He stressed "the commitment of the national government by Cieza pumping more than 3 million euros in the project of reference for the protection of nature."
The deputy explained that "the invasion of the especieArundo donaxde ​​the banks of the Segura has become the channel to a specific channel of reeds, where the native vegetation is losing the battle and being relegated to a few increasingly difficult to find sites. Reed has not only affected the vegetation and fauna, it is also a human problem, isolate the River population, natural user of this as a means of communication, or recreation. "
So he insisted, "the functionality of the works is not only environmental restoration but sustainable uses are promoted, whether playful, like fishing, paseou other sports, educational, and observation points riparian species and conservation as an element minimization of potential impacts of other actions. "
The project, according to detailed national deputy, includes the following actions:
1. Generation and signaling paths and footpaths to promote and publicize the population the set of elements of natural interest.
2. Creating groves and naturalized to help create spots of native riparian vegetation areas.
3. Elimination of invasive reeds and revegetation of soto with tree and shrub species characteristics of native shores.
4. Construction of footbridges crossing routes to create natural scenic enjoyment, points of observation of nature and as a crossover element
5. Restoration and adaptation of existing river several natural beaches prior to the invasion of reeds.
These actions allow the recovery of the ecological state of the river bed and banks, as well as five sandy river beaches or the existing river have been completely eliminated by action invasive cane and change the flow of currents.
The project also places or sites of special attraction, as the channel flown observatories and viewpoints on areas of special landscape value are executed.
Source: PP Región de Murcia