Councillor bouquet, Cristina García-Vaso, said that "the key is participation, not going to make decisions about women without hearing women."
This week was meeting for the first time in this new corporation, the Municipal Council of Women, attended by representatives of many women's associations and political groups.
The stated goal from the Department of Social Welfare is "to involve women in public affairs, strengthening public participation processes and channeled through this advice all the initiatives, proposals and demands of women and their associations."
"It is a priority objective of the municipal government citizen participation, and proof of this is the call and revitalization of various local councils these days".
According to Garcia-Glass, referring more concretely the Municipal Council of Women, "the main objective is more dynamic and deploy its scope beyond the mere preparation of the celebrations of the International Day on March 8 and conviction gender violence November 25, without detracting at all these activities. "
To do this, García-Vaso, has become "stressed the need to comply with the Regulations of the body and hold regular meetings four times a year, something that so far has failed".
Also, and related to the need to meet the performance standards established in its day, the councilor expressed his desire to "establish working groups, as is regulated in Article 19 of the Regulation, which would be in charge of development issues and specific and concrete activities ".
By associations, he puts on the table "the need for continued prevention in high school and colleges of violence, and also to address and identify situations that generate inequality and lead to discrimination, germ subsequent behaviors gender violence. "
"Measures that can be taken from the government and that would lead to reducing gender inequalities, including the replacement of home care and the proper development of the law of dependency stressed" were also discussed.
Finally, associations are interested in the financial help they could receive from the council, and were informed of the inability to articulate them at this time, "although it is a question that remains on the table for study, to see how they can meet the needs of associations of women. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cieza