Since we-Cieza want to communicate to all residents who are prepared to help, together, to carry out the real change in national politics and that we have already started the road to have ballots can in the next General Election with the collection of signatures needed among our neighbors and supporters so we can be present, as the tool of the people to change the course of politics in this country.
Law firms that ask us and we've had to do in previous municipal elections.
On Tuesday we started collecting signatures in a few hours, and covered almost had our quota, so we want to sincerely thank all those who have come and approach us to endorse by signature that can introduce elections 20D.
This was the first step for change, and we know where we come from, the most important social movement in recent years, 15M, and know where to go: to foster the exchange of old policies of the PP and the PSOE, they have led us to be or have things we do not like our country, such as being the 2nd most unequal country in Europe to have more than 2.7 million Spanish children at risk of poverty, have an index scandalous corruption where 2,000 people are being charged for corruption cases opened since exvicepresidentes ministers and mayors and where the PP party -the government of Spain is also accused, and where labor and social rights have been cut to take welfare levels 90s We tell our neighbors that we want to be the party of the excited in the real political change that Yes we can !, and for that we have begun the path of change in Cieza.
Here, with our support for the municipal government, with our collaboration to do some things differently, with our "fights" on the boards of municipal government that are sometimes very hard and difficult, we are achieving small changes, but they know that a mayor can, many of the things that are done in our City, or would not like that, or would not have done and to show that politics can be different there are the actions and decisions they are making our partners in the municipalities of Barcelona, ​​Madrid, La Coruna, Zaragoza and Cadiz, which have their neighbors excited because they see real change of policy and not the apocalypse that some have claimed.
We are all necessary, which we are, those who were, those who want to come or simply support the desire for change, even those who do from other points of view and will now have a new ballot to choose a real chance of win elections, Podemos;
do not be fooled that with fear and lies, and therefore, invite everyone on this road to change in Cieza, have already begun.
Because, yes you can!
Source: Podemos Cieza