The spokesman for IU-Greens Cieza, Pablo Garcia, crumbling the IU-UP program on Social Welfare, noting that we have the ultimate objective to "create social services generators rights and guarantees of prevention and protection, employment and community network social and neglecting the welfare aspect which so far have had. "
"Defend" he explained IU spokesman, "the increase in social spending, at least to equate the European average and up to 7 percent of GDP, ultimately up to the spending necessary to meet social needs, spending also would generate employment and develop the infrastructure and equipment that support the various rights, and also achieve a budget sufficient for the development of the law of dependence. "
The Law of the Unit, "which should be a model for continuing the process with the rest of Social Services has consistently failed from the start. The change to Article 135 of the Spanish Constitution has had particular impact and also with great inhumanity on all these citizens and their families, and unevenly according to the regions that have applied different copayments reducing poverty benefits, so urgent action is required ".
"Telecare" continues the representative of IU-UP- is also a priority for us and we believe, since we believe it has to be free and implemented for all people without communicability acceptable solutions ".
We continue our electoral program with "the childcare, which should be comprehensive child protection is a point of special analysis, and it is essential to increase public investment policies aimed at social protection of families and develop a special emergency plan to combat child poverty and social exclusion, review and strengthen legislation and child protection instruments, and to promote and encourage mediation and conciliation ".
The presidential candidate of the government of UP-IU, Alberto Garzón said that we are against all retrogressive measures that help to destroy the economy and the welfare state, so we consider the latest proposals made by the Popular Party to lower tax as an attack on public services, since they have less money to maintain all public benefits.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza