Pablo Garcia has tried to focus the message, a few days after the end of the election campaign, to convince the undecided.
According to the organization responsible for IU-Cieza, "there are two kinds of undecided in this election: the doubters between voting or Citizens Popular Party, which are two sides of the right and economic power, and waiting for a change cycle for the people and democracy in our country, many of whom also torn between voting for the Socialists, People's United Left-unit or can ".
However, Pablo Garcia is confident that more and more people there convinced that Alberto Garzón is the best choice from the point of view of social change, "and they're seeing every day on social networks, where is the Popular Unity undisputed winner of the campaign, and at public events where comes our candidate, which again and again is little left to hold the whole mass of people who want to listen to Alberto, whose popular appeal, especially among young people, and can not It is concealed by the media longer. "
The claim helpful vote is more used "by those who want selfishly exclude Unidad Popular-Izquierda Unida political scenario", but faced with this, we must say very clearly and very tall, "as he likes to tell Alberto Garzón, there can be a more helpful vote that the vote for the things you believe in. "
Therefore, Pablo Garcia invites all citizens "to compare programs and speeches of some and others and vote accordingly, because the speech is helpful vote speech of the old politics, although he used the now called emerging, has served historically to convert the votes of the people left in votes in favor of the oligarchy, and we run a serious risk that history will repeat itself. "
And after this comparison, it encourages them to decide for Popular Unity and Alberto Garzón, "because the Popular Unity program is the only truly leftist who go to the elections, a program made from the principles and from the heart" ;
and also because "it is necessary that the baggage of training, experience and ability to fight that holds the thousands of militants and cadres of the United Left are integrated, after the elections, in a process of Popular Unity that will, or yes , to get going, and this requires that real left emerge strengthened from these elections, as I'm sure it will happen. "
The young leader of Izquierda Unida de Cieza finally claimed "the coherence and the principles of the candidacy of Popular Unity against the erratic drift and incoherence removable top that characterize other options."
Therefore, concludes Pablo Garcia asking "all people of Cieza, with humility but with the conviction that behind us many years of work, honesty foolproof and policy expertise in very different situations, if they want a Real favor of the weakest, to vote in the Popular Unity candidates and support Alberto Garzón as the best person to lead this process of social transformation "change.
Source: IU-verdes Cieza