Inside Connect-PD Project, sponsored by the Youth Council of the City of Cieza.
Under a grant awarded by the Ministry of Equality, in collaboration with the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia, Councillor for Youth of the Municipality of Cieza, María Isabel García Lucas and Councillor Protocol, Francisca López Piñera, traveled Italy.
There, the leaders ciezanas, participated with Polish and Italian representatives in the preparatory work days of exchanges in which youth participate ciezanos next March.
(Remember that the first coordination meeting was held in Cieza).
These meetings are aimed at the democratic participation of youth in their municipalities to support the dialogue between them and their local authorities.
The Youth Council as promoter of the project has presented their experiences in Youth Debate League, in which local youths debated issues of international importance as the functioning of EU institutions, climate change, Europeanism, discrimination, etc.
This second meeting was held from 13 to 16 January in Piacenza, being received by local authorities, on 14 Pierpao Gallini social services council and the 15th by Massimo Trespidi president of the province of Piacenza.
To conclude that in this second meeting, coordinated among the participating countries, the activities undertaken by young people who depart from Cieza, and Poland to Italy next March.
This is a good chance that our young ciezanos will be able to participate with youth in other countries and to improve their English while also learning other languages, cultures and especially to make a good democratic practice.
Source: Concejalía de Juventud de Cieza