On the morning of Saturday 23, Cieza Socialist Youth held its ordinary meeting which elected the new secretary general of the group.
The only bid submitted by Nuria Morcillo was supported by a unanimous vote held.
In the press conference to the media after his proclamation as general secretary, Nuria Morcillo thanked his colleagues have the full support given to the new executive which reflects the good time living JJSS Cieza and remarked that the group out "united, cohesive and highly motivated."
This new executive, as Nuria, "will be a new impetus for the group and work in progressive politics and protest lines that are closer to reality ciezana youth."
Also noteworthy is the renovation carried out with the election of the new executive, which combines experience with new faces.
The group aims to give more voice to youth activities "younger as concerts, plays, workshops, cultural events and several, excursions ...."
Similarly, Socialist Youth wants to remain a direct line of communication to vindicate the real concerns of youth ciezana.
The priority goals JJSS Cieza in this new venture will require a rapid solution to the shortage of classrooms in our area, returning to resume contact with youth associations to promote the creation of youth councils in Cieza, workshops and campaigns to prevent unwanted pregnancies, claiming the construction of a youth recreation center that offers true entertainment options for youth, employment, housing, demand a higher quality public education ...
Nuria Morcillo Shepherd is 28 years old, graduated in economics and currently works for an NGO as an educator of Intercultural Classrooms project.
Socialist Youth is an active for over 10 years and is part of the Federal Committee of Socialist Youth of Spain.
The new executive consists of:
Secretary-General: Nuria Morcillo Pastor.
Deputy Secretary-General and Secretary of Social Movements: Pascual López Sánchez.
-Secretary for Organization and Training: Aurora Quijada Moreno
Coordinator and Secretary-Policy and Institutional Culture: Donate Abellán Sánchez.
Secretary of Administration, Environment and Education: Miguel Angel Ortega Pérez.
-Secretary for Equality: María García Lison.
Secretary of Innovation, New Technologies and industrial action: Pedro Giménez García.
Secretary of Housing and Employment: Antonio Casado Pastor.
-Members: Maria Ramos Batres and Roca Ruiz Quiles.
Source: Juventudes Socialistas de Cieza